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The total scale of e-commerce will exceed 13 trillion in 2021!

Time:2021-05-28 Views:2608
The Ministry of Commerce predicts that the online retail market will maintain a growth of about 10% in 2021. What does this mean? It shows that new growth factors have inevitably appeared in online retail. This is also the reason why the Ministry of Commerce said in the report that the online retail market is "progressing with stability."
The second is horizontal comparison.
The Ministry of Commerce predicts that online retail will maintain high growth in 2021. Is it because of the overall recovery in consumption?
According to the data for January-February 2021 released by the National Bureau of Statistics, the average growth rate of the consumer market in two years after deducting the effect of low base numbers and price factors during the same period (refers to the growth rate calculated using the geometric average method based on December 2019 ) Is 3.2%.
In addition to the government work report this year‘s goal of "gross domestic product growth of more than 6%", the growth rate of total retail sales of consumer goods will definitely match it. Based on optimistic assumptions, consumption will increase by 8%, which is about 43 trillion. This means that the proportion of online retail in the total retail sales of consumer goods will further increase. According to the rough calculation of naughty e-commerce, it will probably increase to 26% in 2021.
2 trillion growth point
The strange thing is that e-commerce has been developing for so many years, where does the new growth factor come from?
Part of it comes from offline "transfers."
According to the company‘s data, from January to November 2020, 3.01 million self-employed individuals and transfer enterprises have been cancelled and cancelled in China. According to the data analyst of Qichacha, if mobile vendors are excluded, it means that about a million offline shops will close down.
The number of online stores is the opposite trend.
In the first two months of 2020, due to the impact of the epidemic, some brands ended their operations (online and offline were closed at the same time), and the number of Tmall brands also briefly declined. Immediately afterwards, more aware that the epidemic may become normal, brands that originally focused on offline have increased and accelerated the deployment of e-commerce, and poured into Tmall, which caused the number of new Tmall brands to soar to 22 in July 2020. Ten thousand.